
Big day

Dear All,

Today was the first day of winter and the weather disported itself splendidly, delighting residents of Bristol with a couple of inches of powdery snow. Mister Luke and I went to meet some friends for brunch in a cafe (that's what twentysomethings do to have fun). We had navigated the very slippery and steep path in Horfield Common (the park by our house) and Luke did his best not to laugh when I fell on my bottom - I was distracted by watching dogs and toddlers. We took lots of photos as it was so pretty.

After the social engagements were fulfilled and we had seen all there was to see on Gloucester Rd., we walked home singing Christmas songs and the love-medley from Moulin Rouge. Luke was disappointed that we didn't walk thro' the Common on the way home, so I brought him into the field by our house. You have to climb through a (sizeable) hole in the fence to get in, and then once you're through the patch of trees, there's wide open space and snow. I skipped on in, singing Winter Wonderland very tunelessly. When I turned around to chide Luke for not joining in, he was down on one knee.

There were black trees forming an arcade around him, with all the snow still outlining them. He has very blue eyes (and was wearing a blue scarf and hat) and was holding out a dusky blue box. He told me to come over, and then said, "Elizabeth Cahill, will you marry me?". I can't remember whether I said "yes" first, or kissed him first. We stood around for ages staring at the ring and grinning like loons, until we remembered we were supposed to put it on! 'Tis our first time, after all.

It's not a surprise that he asked, I knew that he had asked my parents for their blessing already, and we've had some chats with them about marriage, but I certainly wasn't expecting it then and there... Hadn't even washed my hair etc., etc. We told Patrick first, as he was home. He gave us big hugs and told Luke that it was alright with him. The rest of the family were equally pleasant and Dad made us a champagne toast. I spoke to Rick on the phone earlier and he said that he can remember when I was born and it got me thinking about what a big day this is. And that it isn't... To explain: I'd already made the decision to say yes, but now this telling everyone and special celebration makes me realise that this is a day I'll remember for a long time. With most things you don't realise that til afterward, so its funny just to be living in a 'memorable day'.

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