
Things I wouldn't do in Bristol

Have peas kicked over my feet; make a spectacle of myself in public; have a topless sweating man run into me. (Well, maybe the last one, but I wouldn't pay for the privilege)

Was thrilled by Woyzeck last night. The fire curtain was down and we sat just inside of that, so it was performed in half the normal space of a stage. The play, for those of you too lazy to follow the link yesterday, is set within an army, and Woyzeck (played by my favourite actor in the company, Zsolt Bogan) is the main character.

Those in authority are abusive, and in turn the men break each other down. In one of the first few scenes a dozen soldiers run back and forwards as in a drill, and they're throwing all their energy into this. I was sitting in the front row in the middle seats, and because the floor was covered with piles of dried peas, when they reached the front they would slip and nearly end up falling on us. The air was rushing back and forward too, very intense moment. It wasn't the last!
The doctors torture Woyzeck for medical research,which he takes part in for money, to look after his child. His mistress and the mother of his child grows tired of him, his disorientated state and she is seduced/raped by the drum major. Woyzeck kills her and he himself is killed, by the clown figure in the story, who also played the seducing soldier. The play was unfinished (by Georg Büchner), so if you ever get to see it, you may find a different ending!
This performance was brilliant.

This morning, no taxi available to take us to church so listened to sermon by AV, from the computer instead. It was about Cain, and questions that God asks us. The first question, as he asked the Mary's at the tomb, is "Who are you looking for?".

Eoin and like-minded, you should stop reading now.

I walked up the mountain (literally, Dealul Cetatuia) this morning looking for Jesus, thinking about that question. My legs ached from the dusty worn steps and my mouth was dry. I had a sip of water before, but I'm desperate for more. Mary says she's looking for a body. At the top it was hot, but the big dark birds no longer circled my head. The city cranks and wails, but a cool breeze shook the surrounding trees, and church bells sound 11.30. Come?
- At this point, my pen stopped working. I put down the black notebook that's hitchhiked to Scotland, driven to France and made it this far -
There was this metal cross on top of the mountain, and I knelt down in front of it. Have I come to the wrong place? Where should I find you?
I hadn't seen another person up there, but while my eyes were shut, there were footsteps. I didn't look up, and I'm not claiming to have met Jesus, please bear with me. What I am saying is, when we call He answers and I remembered what Jesus or the angel says to the woman next, "Why are you looking for the living among the dead?" There I was at the foot of the cross, when this is the day of resurrection. The bells rang 12. No answers, but a reply and another question.

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